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Kudos for Katie

"It was a relief to share our specific circumstances and then to get feedback and suggestions from someone who has experience with adoption, relationship with first parents, and therapeutic parenting."

"What a fun workshop!"

"Katie was amazing! She was very informative and instructional, but also personable and emotion
evoking. I would highly recommend learning from her."

"There certainly isn’t a handbook for navigating foster care.  Being a new foster parent ... I never really knew how to navigate forming this bond.  Thankfully Katie has been an amazing mentor and sounding board along the way.  Her passion and knowledge has brought our family great peace as we navigate through difficult situations."

"Katie has a broad understanding of the foster care system!"

Katie was very inspirational and has such great knowledge."

"Katie is a good listener and can calm your nerves and fears about the uncertainty of foster care and the challenges it brings."

"Katie is very passionate about building an open and safe relationship between parents and caregivers." 

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